

《钢铁是怎样练成的》读后感 4_1500字

网络资源 2023-12-08 17:45:51

  This summer vacation, I read a lot of books. One of the books that impressed me most was how steel was made. When I finished reading this book, my heart was full of admiration for the hero Paul kochkins unyielding, dedicated and never say die spirit.

  How the steel was made is based on the October Revolution. It tells about Pauls experience: a poor and ignorant child, under the guidance of an old Bolshevik zhuhelai, joined the Red Army. Later, he was injured in heroic battle, resulting in blindness of one eye. But Paul is still full of enthusiasm into the local work. Under extremely bad conditions, the railway was completed on schedule. Paul was seriously ill because of his long-term work, but he bravely fought against the disease with his iron will and the encouragement of his relatives and friends. Although, in the end, Paul was blind and paralyzed, but he was not willing to eat, drink, breathe and die, so he took up a new weapon - pen. He finally finished the novel "born of the storm" through oral narration. Paul has been fighting against fate with his indomitable spirit, and finally ushered in the dawn of his life.

  Paul tells us through his life experience that steel training needs to be thoroughly tempered, because any growth will not be smooth. Think about yourself in life. If you are tired of doing something, you will not be able to do it. If you are tired of climbing, you will not have the courage to conquer the mountain. If you are tired of running, you will stop walking. In my life and study in the future, I will take Paul as an example, face all kinds of difficulties bravely, and strive to learn cultural knowledge. Only brave to overcome all difficulties and setbacks, to win the real victory!

  "How is steel tempered" is my favorite masterpiece. Whenever I encounter difficulties and retreat, whenever I am frustrated and cry, I will think of Pauls tall figure. I am determined to make myself into a real steel!

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