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关于春节的英语作文:new year_700字

2024-01-11 来源:作文网整理

  There are a lot of Customs in my hometown for Spring Festival. I don't believe you!

  In the Spring Festival, both men and women and young men and women wear beautiful new clothes, with simple smiles on their faces to welcome the coming of the new year. Red red couplets and New Year pictures were posted in each family. All drums. The children go to the new year and send the cards. At night, everywhere decorated. Famous shops, to hang out hundreds of lights, lantern, lamp, what's ice, shadeng...... Every kind of。 One side, the sound of firecrackers, cleaning guns, ringing, rockets, fireworks, fire. In the outside person, will prefer to drive home, eat family reunion dinner, this night, people will staying-up late on new year's Eve!

  How, the custom of Spring Festival in my hometown is more, do you think of my hometown for the new year?

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