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2024-01-11 来源:作文网整理

  Flavour in our hometown during the Spring Festival, from a few days before the Spring Festival to the fifteenth day, every day is wonderful.

  A few days before the Spring Festival, every family is very busy, even in a poor family, also want to buy a lot of things these days. The adults to buy Chinese New Year food, clothing, drink, use - shops most New Year's day don't open the door. Children is the first to buy firecrackers. Wait for everything, the owe the east wind, are looking forward to the Spring Festival.

  "For a New Year's eve firecrackers, spring breeze gifts into the toso", people look forward to! Look forward to finally give hope to the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is quite lively. Everyone should wear new clothes, and put red couplets and auspicious New Year pictures. Noon to eat the family reunion dinner, before the reunion dinner, but also set off firecrackers, in addition to that day, as a last resort to get home to eat this meal.

  Eat the family reunion dinner on New Year's eve also quietly come. We here on New Year's eve to shou sui, although need not keep all night, but still can't sleep. At midnight, every family to "day", which is to set off firecrackers and fireworks. Dark suddenly lit up the sky, like during the day, firecrackers was deafening, long on the ancient town and overflow in thick festal atmosphere.

  The first day of the first lunar month every family in the morning to eat dumplings, dumplings is also called the "wing" indicates a thriving business. Streets were not as before, traffic but from time to time, from the door and leave the food flavor and people's laughter tells the people's happiness.

  On the second day to New Year's greetings to their elders and relatives, to tend to take some gifts, express the meaning of blessing.

  The fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival is home during the Spring Festival is one of the most important festival, every family to eat yuanxiao. Yuanxiao said we reunion, HeHeMeiMei.

  The hometown of the Spring Festival is happy, the happiest is also our children. We can get a lot of lucky money, and don't have to do the homework, also can free to set off firecrackers, every sound deafening firecrackers, with our laughter.

  Hometown of the Spring Festival is happy, I love the hometown of the Spring Festival.










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