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关于春节的英语作文:I look forward_2000字

2024-01-11 来源:作文网整理

  Opened the exquisite calendars, I count the Spring Festival was coming. That is our traditional festival of the Chinese nation, but also I look forward to the festival, because only the last few days, I was able to put down the heavy learning, to relax the mood, elutriation the most joyous day in a year.

  I look forward to the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival in Beijing is the most beautiful. Streets decorated, people laughing exult. Especially on New Year's eve, the colorful fireworks, blossom in the night sky, and some like to dance measures, some like opening the tail, and as a flower blooming. They decorated Beijing gorgeous, the whole city was I port view. And I especially look forward to this year's Spring Festival, because I will have a different Spring Festival, because I'm going to the southern tip of our country holy land - Hong Kong, in Disneyland have a wonderful New Year. I think: there must be full of tong qu, the Spring Festival there is a castle in the fairy tale, there are beautiful and lovely Mickey Mouse, and together they kit, it must be very happy. Listen to mama said Disney in fireworks beautiful, I think they are washed up on the sky must be very beautiful, it is the smiling face of the mickey and winnie the pooh dance picture. They are welcome the arrival of the I.

  I'm looking forward to the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival is full of affection. Every Spring Festival, mom made a plate and a plate of delicious food. Maybe mom had forgotten days work overtime tired, forgot her sides a little bit more white hair, mother you were laborious, I really want to smooth the wrinkles around your eyes with hands. This year Spring Festival mother meet my wish, take me to travel to Hong Kong, for nervous at ordinary times I thoroughly relax the mood, I thank you very much, mom, to thank her for one year hard work, thanks to her before the lamp with my study, just let me have the happy life of today, mom, I have grown up, this year I will not let you worry about me tired for me.

  I look forward to the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival is a new beginning, is the season of sowing hope. The New Year, I grow up one year old, I have a new hope, I will sow the seeds of beauty, the fruits of harvest happiness and love.





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