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世界无烟日的英语作文:Smoke fan_2000字

2012-05-10 来源:作文网整理

  Everyone heard fans, the fans? You guess my dad? What is fan Can not guess right, to tell you the truth, my father is out-and-out is smoke fan. School every day at home, I most common: father sat on the sofa "content", whole room is badly messed up. Dad ever since joined the smokers team, the body is not after as before, sallow complexion, teeth black and yellow, even that clip of smoke two fingers and huang, I really worry for father's body. Hence, I determined to help father to give up smoking.

  In order to quit dad's smoke, racking my brains, total came up with three his sleeve. Hum! Is afraid that he not quit. First I used a recruit: hidden smoke. One day, I got up early, while dad in bed, I think: smoke must in his pocket, I hand past touch, ha! Cigerrat case, I gingerly took iv. Dad move once, fine, just side body. I'm busy putting cigarettes hidden in my drawer, "splat" once locked. I think I failed in the right-hand! However, dad again the next day smoking cigarettes. Originally, dad early psych out my mind, oneself conceals a box. Cough! True take he couldn't.

  Opinion, don't give him a severe look is washed-up. Then, I use the second recruit: hidden lighter. One day, my conveniently the lighter on the table and began to play computer. I take a book on the table, ShunShouQianYang, suddenly picked up the lighter, and turned to run downstairs. I throw, the lighter sent into the dustbin. I think this can work in cooking, but my father arrived inspiration, putting cigarettes to jam the gas stove lighted, and drew up. Alas! It really let me wry smile not.

  Opinion, dad difficult, I have to use my "killer" -- three recruit: sign a contract! I on paper wrote: dad, to you and your family's health, please stop smoking! I also brought out the following requirements: 1. Want to smoke when sugary fast. Two. The smoke all over, if, in violation of the regulations, all the housework by dad contracting. Dad took a look, truly the helpless under signed. And say to me: "good boy, with housework against me, admire you," my father and I happen to coincide the ground smiled. Ho! Don't say, a coup indeed as expected work. From then on, the father and his "old" - smoke bye-bye! Our "environmental protection question" is completely solved.

  Hey hey! Dad, I quit smoking spun-he!


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