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2023-12-19 来源:网络资源

  Today is New Years day, or have a history of New Years day! "Yuan" has the meaning of beginning, "Dan" refers to the dawn of time, also refers to the day. "New Years day" is the first day of the year. To celebrate the start of the New Year, celebrate the New Years day is around the world the common customs. In our country, but also on the national holiday, people greet each other can together! Held some activities to greet the arrival of the New Year.

  New Years day, we went to the luoyang los sea park, although the weather is very cold, but my mood is still very happy, white cloud like blue sky specially natural cotton candy sent to us. Behind the sun from the sky white clouds sister, cypress standing body the side of the road, they nod slightly under the wind blowing.

  Enter a gate, the first thing you encounter is the river above the junction of a thick layer of ice, we walked along the river for a road, I picked up a chunk of ice into the river to play, to brother laughed, we can see the junction tree on shore with a layer of "ice", may be due to the weather is too cold, garden workers poured the water becomes ice at once, at the sight of this, I was reminded of the festival, the variety of lanterns in the colorful lights set off dont mention how beautiful. Winter is a beautiful season anyway.

  A happy moment is always short, near dusk, we finished a days journey.

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