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2023-12-19 来源:网络资源

  I got up today, and pursued my vovage! Because, today is a very important and memorable day, that is, New Years day. New Years day, it represents the beginning of a New Year, it will take a new face to greet the New Years day.

  Yesterday, I and many students left to decorate the classroom. We sweep every corner of the classroom to clean, then hang garland, write on the blackboard the four Chinese characters - happy New Years day.

  New Years day party began, some magic, some performance guzheng, someone performing pipa, she pluck the strings skillfully, sweet music flowed from her fingertips, from time to time, sometimes fast, like a mountain stream, like a Wan Lichuan sounds, I was intoxicated by the beautiful piano. Until the end of the play, I havent think straight. Listen to a big round of applause rang out from the classroom.

  Show one by one, I see more dazzling. Applause also unceasingly connection, they all show is very wonderful.

  New Year draws to a close soon we took two pictures, a boy, a girl, the two pictures do for us memorial in 20xx.

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