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作文> 英语作文> 英语读后感> 《老人与海》读后感 4_1200字

《老人与海》读后感 4_1200字

2023-12-08 来源:网络资源

  In recent days, I have finished reading the book "the old man and the sea". And get a lot of insights from it.

  The owner of this book is a fisherman named Santiago who lives in Cuba. He fought a huge Marlin in a fishing trip, and finally came home frustrated and defeated.

  "A man is not born to be defeated. You can kill him, but you cant defeat him." This sentence not only praises Santiagos indomitable spirit, but also gives me a lot of inspiration. "The cold sea wind is blowing the horn ceaselessly, and there is a salty blood in the sea wind." In such a bad environment, Santiago is able to persevere with tenacity, which is actually a kind of tough spirit. It is with this character that Santiago can retreat in the sharks and bad weather and go home safely.

  We are also like this in our life. Many things cant be done smoothly. We need to rely on tenacious perseverance and courage to support ourselves, and finally we can reap the fruits of success. Like when we take an exam, if we dont recite knowledge, how can we get better results in the exam? What should we do if we dont finish the homework assigned by the teacher on time and we dont have a solid grasp of the knowledge?

  Only with tenacity and hard work can we embroider our most unique style on the stage of junior high school. This is what I learned from the old man and the sea.

  Sprint for your final exam this semester!

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