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My grandmother_1000字

2023-12-08 来源:网络资源

  My grandmother lived in the village dock, grandma is not tall nor short, she has a round face, some body fat, has gray hair, teeth down only five or six teeth, my grandma is very love to laugh, cheerful personality, is a courteous and accessible person.

  Grandma is more than and 60 years old this year, do things very seriously, do not open her grandmother are so old age, but she wrote the word can be good, and neat, and beautiful, often praised by others.

  My grandmother is a warm-hearted person, love to care about others, especially for me, every time I go home, always said: "my daughter, e back, and grow taller"! Hurried to the house, gave me a lot of love to eat food, this time I can be happy, thought: grandma is too good to me, I will certainly be good filial piety grandmother.

  Every time I e home, I have to give grandma a painting, grandmother's assessment of me every time is very high: "painting every time, awesome!" Let me the most happy is: grandma every picture is well preserved, home to the guests, grandma took my picture and let them appreciate, hear the guests praise, she was very happy, that laugh is not close the mouth.

  This is my grandmother, is not great, my grandmother has many advantages, I will tell you later.

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