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my Chinese teacher_1500字

2023-12-08 来源:网络资源

  Miss zhao is my Chinese teacher of grade one to grade four, also is our teacher in charge. About 35, 6 years old, she has a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes, every time when we have the classmate, miss zhao eyes flashing the light of joy, high stand of bridge of the nose on a pair of glasses, when son wear when son don't wear, wear like a doctor, don't wear like a mother.

  Her to go to Chinese classes lively and interesting, artful, our these restless "little monkey". Remember once said "the Prometheus stealing fire," miss zhao don't know where to find a similar "torch" props, also let the class ACTS as a "Prometheus" take "torch" to "human", but also let us ask why the "Prometheus" took "torch" to "human"? We learned in the process of interaction of the text, is very impressive and interesting.

  Remember once, my classmates and I play fell and broke his knee. Miss zhao, like they treat their children very carefully to help me clean the wound, coated with medicine, carefully looked at miss zhao that full of love and anxious eyes, my knees are on painkillers, much pain relief. At another time, because I have a fever off class, miss zhao use of noon rest time, help me with my homework, let me in a timely manner on the "catch" the pace of the students.

  Miss zhao in the mind is very wide, the greatest tolerance under each "trouble" in our class. But, however, though normally miss zhao affectionate to us, once but when we make mistakes, zhao teachers would become very strict, first arch eyebrows wrinkled his thin, started a "why? How?" "Bombardment", and then bent up fine eyebrow, earnestly to reasonable, say you completely convinced.

  This is what we all love miss zhao, she like a mother care for us, with love in eyes of strict supervision, we use persuasive reason we; She is so kind to us, we can't afford not to a genuine love and respect; Love persuasive, never tired, my dear miss zhao, you are our good friends, is my idea of a good teacher.

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