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作文 > 英语作文 > 热点英语作文 > 人物类英语作文 > I_800字


2023-12-08 来源:网络资源

  I am a student of xiao No.2 primary school. I'm in class 1,class 3. Cometo me!

  My eyes are big,my nose is small,my mouth is small,but I love to saythat my face is still a little white. My height is 1.40 meters,my legs arelong,my body is short,and my weight is 75 Jin. It's an athlete's physique!

  I love sports and like playing badminton. Run,play football.I am a sensible,civilized,polite,filial parents respect elders!But Ialso have shortcomings. I'm careless and careless. Sometimes when you write aquestion without seeing it clearly,you often write a wrong or missed question.Sometimes writing is not serious enough. I will correct it in the future. I helpmy grandma do some housework at home. I take my grandpa to carry things when Igo out. I also like reading extracurricular books and sharing the truth andfeelings of reading with my dad.

  This is me. Come to me and make friends with me.

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