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作文 > 江南app的下载方式有哪些 > 关于健身的英语作文 > Running_700字


2022-02-20 来源:作文网整理

      Running is a whole body movement, which enables the body's muscles rhythmic contraction and relaxation, so that muscle fiber

  Dimension increased, protein content increased. Fit and muscular is one of the symbols.

  Skeleton is the body of the stent, human activities leverage. In a period of growth and development of young people, adhere to running

  Step can improve blood circulation, increase the supply of nutrients in bone cells increase bone cell growth capacity, from the

  And to promote the normal development of the bone. The elderly, reduced metabolism, muscle gradually shrink, and bones appeared back

  Line of change in bone and joint disease is also increasing. Persist in running can enhance metabolism, delayed bone

  Degenerative changes, prevention of bone and joint disease in the elderly occur, so that you slow down aging.


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