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2021-11-11 来源:网络资源

  Novembers fourth Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving is the original people of the United States of an ancient festival, Carnival is the American-day, the Americans brought Thanksgiving always more cordial.

  Thanksgiving Day a national holiday in the United States the most authentic, most American-style festival (holiday), and its early history of the United States is most closely related.

  In 1620, a group of religious oppression in England by the Puritans in pursuit of 102 religious and political freedom, board the "Mayflower" ship across the Atlantic, they are at sea for two months after the ups and downs, and finally in the cold in November In the current state of Masha Se Plymouth landing.

  In the first winter, more than half of all immigrants die (die) hunger and disease, people who survive the first spring planting is the beginning of 1621. Throughout the summer (summer) they are eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the harvest, they know that their survival as well as the colony will depend on the existence of the upcoming harvest. Finally (finally), was unexpected crop harvest, in order to thank God for good harvest, held a 3-day carnival activities. Since then, Yan Xu down on this practice, and gradually all over the popular. In 1863, President Lincoln declared a year of the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving celebration is set on that day until now. At that time, every family reunion of national jubilation, the grand, warm situation, as the Chinese Lunar New Year off.

  Thanksgiving celebration mode for many years have passed. As early as a private rich in a few months before the start preparing. People can eat the food on the table apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes, and raisins pudding, meat pies, as well as a variety of other food Meitai red juice and fresh fruit juice, the most wonderful and most attractive is the dishes Roast turkey (roast turkey) and pumpkin pie (pumpkin pie), these dishes has always been the most wealth to the Thanksgiving tradition and the most popular food (food).

  Everyone in favor of the Thanksgiving feast of roast turkey essential to the main dish. Roast turkey in time to fill in for bread to absorb the flow from out of the delicious juice, but often cooking for family and the different regions and different application of what will be difficult to achieve the same packing.

  In addition, Canadas Thanksgiving is the second Monday of October.

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