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2021-01-19 来源:网络资源

 Winter comes again, this is the third since I was in primary school winter vacation. Holiday that day,

the teacher the assignment is more on the blackboard. For me, the teacher assigned winter vacation

homework to complete or need a lot of time, because it is very difficult, and a lot of. Due to the winter

vacation homework more, need reasonable arrange time to complete, so I made a plan for the winter

vacation studying life.

  My plan is this: every morning in the xinhua bookstore to buy of the "Chinese winter vacation

homework" and "mathematics winter vacation homework each finish one page (two sides); For more t

than 30 minutes every morning time of extracurricular reading; Finished winter vacation homework in the

morning and after reading the rest of the time free activities, you can watch TV, play computer games,

etc. Noon lunch break after an hour of sleep, we finished the afternoon arrangement: adhere to write

every afternoon a piece of calligraphy, learn an hour of computer application knowledge, after the read

cooked a good article to read to the parents again. Finally is in before you go to bed after supper every

day to write a diary: can write of what happened in your own comments, stories and substance, etc.;

Before sleeping to delve into a really, finally under the exciting TV children's hypnotic sleep - it's not a

good habit!

  The above is my winter holiday life plan? My winter vacation plan is good! I finish my winter

vacation homework should not only, also want to help mom and dad to do something, so mom and dad won't be

happy, and it had to be meaningful. Finally, is close to the New Year, this is our important traditional

festival of the Chinese nation, I am here to wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year.

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