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2021-01-19 来源:网络资源

  My winter holiday life rich and colorful, traveling, watching movies, mountain climbing, a classmate

birthday party... Among them, the mountain climbing is my favorite.

  On one occasion, my parents and I go to climb the east scenic mountain. That day, it seems that

god to test our will, blowing wind, we against the wind, go after a flat front path was gone, turned into

a stone and clay. We didn't give up, move on, walk, my legs slowly became soft, look at mom and dad,

they are in high spirit. At this moment, as if to see my dad idea, encourage a way: "come on! Let's not

far from success!" I have heard, nodded, and summon up courage to once again, hard to climb to the

top of the summit, crawling crawling, and I was tired, looked up to the height, ah! Isn't that the summit?

We is coming, I was so happy, run out whole body energy to climb. Finally, we climbed to the summit. I

stood on the summit to look down, wow! "Infinite scene in the perilous peak" ah!

  The movies I also in the winter holiday liked leisure activities. One day, I see a movie, mom and dad

to CGV international studios we see is "god steal dads 2", is, used to steal the moon the bad

personality of lu turn over a new leaf three little sons and daughters when dad.

  Crime groups, however, "coalition against the wicked" come, put a blow big task in the hands of

the wicked. And he deeply in love with his partner, Lucy. Finally, when the two of them were trapped in

the wrong hands, Dr Gutzon home with three small sons and daughters to rescue them, but Lucy

haven't untie the rope, then, the bad guys to raise the hen pecked at the launch of Lucy be tied down the

button, global and Lucy is about to fly into a crater. At this time, the global and Lucy jumped into the

sea, finally, global doctor send small boats to rescue them. After 147 days, global and Lucy finally


  My winter holiday life rich and colorful, you?

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