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2015-12-21 来源:本站原创

  Although Christmas is a Western holiday, but now there are many Chinese people love it, perhaps because in the day we can get many gifts, or perhaps because it is

  Interesting, but I love it, and more than that, but also because we are teachers and students together, happy, except that the red, green and white between teachers and students outside of deep love.

  Hope the stars, get the moon, and finally looked forward happy Christmas. On that day, I arrived gate, suddenly, I was shocked, and saw a Santa Claus holding a saxophone, where side-hop edge blowing, extremely beautiful and it is filled with gifts and lawn around the time I really 好想well want to touch it, the way it should be a gift ah! Hey! A pity! It is simply impossible. Immediately, I saw two or three from Santa Claus face, hands, also took a number of things, but unfortunately do not see what is inside. Powerful sense of curiosity that I can not help to pour into the crowd, along for the ride. So is the candy ah! Although I rarely eat candy, but not today, I would have to carry on eating one meal, even if I lost half of the teeth.

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