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作文 > 英语作文 > 热点英语作文 > 节日类英语作文 > 万圣节英语歌谣_750字


2015-10-27 来源:作文网整合

  Fire red, summer's dead,

  Yet shall it return.

  Clear and bright in the night,

  Burn, fire, burn!

  Dance the ring, luck to bring,

  When the year's aturning.

  Chant the rhyme at Hallowstime,

  When the fire's burning.

  Fire glow, vision show

  Of the heart's desire,

  When the spell's chanted well

  Of the witching fire.

  Dance the ring, luck to bring,

  When the year's aturning.

  Chant the rhyme at Hallowstime,

  When the fire's burning.

  Fire spark, when nights are dark,

  Makes our winter's mirth.

  Red leaves fall, earth takes all,

  Brings them to rebirth.

  Dance the ring, luck to bring,

  When the year's aturning.

  Chant the rhyme at Hallowstime,

  When the fire's burning.

  Fire fair, earth and air,

  And the heaven's rain,

  And blessed be, and so may we,

  At Hallowstide again.

  Dance the ring, luck to bring,

  When the year's aturning.

  Chant the rhyme at Hallowstime,

  When the fire's burning.


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