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作文> 英语作文> 热点英语作文> 节日类英语作文> 平安夜英语作文:平安夜_900字


2012-12-12 来源:作文网整合

  Good morning sunshine, sprinkled on a page, such as dim as a brilliant sunset, a long drag on the tip of the partner. The wind always blowing more cold than usual, people could not help chills.

  Think about it, only more than thirty days from the final exam, while only four days away from the monthly exam. At this time, preparing for Christmas in foreign countries, next Thursday is Christmas Eve, Friday is Christmas, we began monthly exam.

  The eve of Christmas Eve last year, early in the morning, desk or drawer will have one apple, a chocolate flower branch, a branch length of the plum sugar … Bang Bang … and greeting cards, but also in a few days ago to quietly fashion today.

  Christmas Eve, even in school, we will go out in groups, "Hi", no matter how late, there will be fireworks, lanterns and carnival. On the road late at night, a group of naive Whistling face together all the way … …

  High and one of the. This year's Christmas Eve, and I as usual "Hi", but my partner has become piles of piles of work and counseling book. Christmas, continue past tense.

  After all, we no longer small.

  Some things, has become the past.

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