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作文> 江南app的下载方式有哪些 > 世界粮食日作文> 关于粮食的英语作文:饮食的改变_900字


2011-09-26 来源:作文网整理

  In the past five years there have been many changes in people’s diet. From the table listed above, we can find that people consume more milk and meat than they used to. On the other hand, they eat less grain, fruit and vegetables today than in the past.

  What has caused these changes? There are mainly two reasons. In the first place, with the development of economy people have more money. The price of meat and milk is much higher than that of grain; therefore, in the old days people couldn’t afford them. But now they have enough money to buy both meat and milk. In the second place, more and more people think that diet is very important to their health. As a result, they change their eating habits eating more nutritious food such as milk and meat.

  I think that milk and meat are important to one’s health. But if people eat too much rich food, some problems will be caused. In conclusion, people should keep a balance in their diet. Not only should they consume a lot of meat and milk but they should also eat enough grain, fruit and vegetables for the sake of their health.

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