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April Fools'Day:A Great Trick_1500字

2011-03-23 来源:作文网整理

  April 1st or"April Fools' Day" is a day of trickery? in the United States. Young students to older professionals? will use this day as a time to play funny tricks? on their fellow students and colleagues?. While sometimes these tricks get a bit mean, the day is really meant for playing light-hearted jokes on other people.

  One of the best April Fools' jokes I have ever seen was at my university. My English professor? came into the class two days after we had all taken an exam and said"I have some very bad news for everyone. It seems that either I am not a good teacher or no one in this class is studying hard enough. I regret ?to inform? you that everyone in this class has failed the exam." Since this was one of three major? exams we had to take in the class, failing the test meant that our final? grades would be very low. Everyone in the class had this near death look on their face?. The rest of the class - 45 minutes to be exact?- everyone just sat shocked? waiting for the period to end. Just to note, I had studied several days for the exam and felt confident? I was going to do very well.

  At the end of the class, our English professor said, “You guys? need to study harder next time. This class is not a joke." With that everyone walked out not saying a word. Later that evening, I checked? my universities telephone message system? and there was a message from my professor. I was really nervous? thinking that he would ask me to visit him in his office (maybe I did worse than everyone else I thought).

  I clicked #1 on the message system? and waited to hear what he had to say. His message was simple,"April Fools' Ladies and Gentleman. I can't believe you all feel for it. Hahaha. You all did well on the exam and I am proud of? you. Hahaha!"

  Happy April Fools' Day Everyone!


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